In the Age of the Adventurers, specialization, and expansion... “Insofar as a civilization grows and continues to grow, it has to reckon less and less with challenges delivered by alien adversaries and demanding responses on an outer battlefield, and more and more...
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Organization life cycles – Barbarian
The Barbarian Age: Crisis and Conquest “To be a successful soldier, you must know history… What you must know is how man reacts. Weapons change, but the man, who uses them, changes not at all. To win battles, you do not beat weapons – you beat the soul of the enemy...
Organization Life Cycles – Prophet
Prophet and the Age of Invention Welcome back, if you have missed our first article about organization life cycles, go here... It is said that "reasonable men adapt to their surroundings; irrational men seek to change their surroundings to suit their own purposes." To...
Psychological Safety – Challenge
CHALLENGE How do you make others feel safe to challenge the status quo, innovate and improve things? 1. Remove your finger from the fear button. Fear triggers the instinct of self-censorship and causes people to retreat into silence and personal risk management. When...
Psychological Safety – Contributions
CONTRIBUTIONS How to make others feel confident to contribute and make a difference? Table of Contents 1. Rotate meeting management. One of the most powerful ways to empower others to contribute is to enable them to lead team meetings. Traditionally, a leader leads a...
Psychological Safety – Learning
LEARNING How to make others feel safe and motivated to learn? Can learning be part of the growth of your employees? Does learning makes them safe and keeps them coming back for more? Do you really care about your employee's learning? Table of Contents 1. Let learning...
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