
by | Mar 3, 2022 | branding, business

Branding yourself as an individual

What exactly is personal branding?

If I were to ask five people who know you what they think you excel in or what sets you apart, what would they tell me? The same answer that you would give to yourself. Personal branding guarantees that others view you the way you want them to see you by putting your intentions and concentration into your reputation.

My name is Milos Denic, and I work in the fields of personal branding and reputation management. As a personal coach for over 20 years, I’ve worked with athletes, executives, professionals, and corporate teams who all want to learn how to be more focused and strategic in their job and professional circumstances. In order to distinguish yourself from the crowd, I’ll show you how to establish your unique brand and market yourself with credibility and enthusiasm. Start creating your personal brand now.

What if I told you that the authority you have in your profession is closely correlated to your capacity for gaining and maintaining influence? That’s right. A powerful personal brand is essential to gaining influence.

So, what is a brand? A brand, then, is a set of expectations for a particular kind of experience. As a result, it gives me a better idea of what it will be like to work with you or serve alongside you. Do you think I’ll feel if I hire you, or if I make you an employee or a manager?

Your reputation is the foundation of your personal brand. It’s what you leave behind. It tells them what to anticipate from you. Self-branding can be done in a straightforward manner, but it’s not always simple. In this course, I’m going to ask you to think about things that could challenge you. However, as a result, you will have an advantage in the marketplace. As a result, you’ll be better able to compete with others.

When it comes to personal branding, it’s all about control. Do you enjoy being in charge? I’m a sucker for authority. To me, control is making a choice. It denotes a range of possibilities. As a result, personal branding provides you with a sense of agency, but it’s important to realize that the emotional component is always at play. A person’s personal brand is the way they come across to others, and it offers them a sense of purpose and strategy when it comes to making career decisions.

Building influence

So if you’re looking for a new job, a promotion, or additional tools and resources in your current position, you’ll need to build your influence. A strong personal brand and a clear value proposition are essential for influencing the decision-makers who are deciding whether or not to provide you with a job or resources.

Your target audience is those who have access to those opportunities, and you need to position yourself accordingly. A young woman came to me after I finished speaking at an event a few years ago and said, “Milos, I have a problem.” In my workplace, I’m referred to as “the office parent.” There were two promotions she was overlooked for because “the executives think I’m the office mom,” and we talked about what behavior she had been showing to develop that brand, and what we discovered is she was the one who bought the birthday cake and disseminated the card. That wasn’t putting her in a position to be promoted or considered leadership material in the eyes of the executives because she organized the corporate picnic.

So she had to make some adjustments. When your value proposition, target audience, and goals are all crystal clear, you’ll be able to increase your level of impact. You can gain influence in your workplace by understanding and meeting the needs of the decision-makers and collaborators, but you must also have a plan for how you want to be recognized. As a matter of fact, no personal brand is worth anything unless you have the ability to earn the trust and respect of others.

Let’s get into the formula for creating your personal brand’s credibility now. You can’t get around that by taking the easy way out. Credibility is a result of a combination of values and behavior. You need to be very clear about what you believe in before you can begin making decisions. To what do you cling? When you don’t have it, you wouldn’t be the person you are. What is it? Are you willing to put your life on the line for something? Finally, how are you presenting yourself?

In what ways are you doing in a way that is in line with your stated values? I think it’s a sort of “live the talk” mentality. If you want others to believe in you, you need to be able to articulate your beliefs and then demonstrate them. That is how you gain credit. Your credibility is built this way. Many of you are doing an excellent job, making excellent decisions, and leading honorable lives, but you are not disclosing why you are doing these things. You’re not crediting yourself for that action because you’re not tying it to the value.

Credibility is a prerequisite for gaining influence in the field of personal branding and job growth. In light of this, I would like you to take a moment and consider your principles. Make a list of everything you firmly believe in and be as explicit as possible. Avoid the nonsense. Ask yourself how you’re enacting your values in your daily life.

Free First Talk

Schedule a call with me and let’s talk about possibilities of you becoming what you really need to be in your life.

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Train the brain

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