Tutoring Services

Becoming a Genius

I know you have been thought that a genius is someone born with a set of skills and all he needs to do is give it a little work and it all sets up right. Nothing can be more wrong.


Learning new things has never been as Easy. Now You Can!


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About Us

since 2004

Human development has allways been interesting and important part of our lives. Self development industry has been rising so far, and it is time to get to the next level. We are creating unique individual development for every human on the planet.


Our Mission

Bringing new level of self development to the sphere of your genius. We want to enable every person to have a wide range of skills that contribute to their lives. Breaking that belief that we are born with skill so we dont need to work on ourselves is over.


Our Vision

We see the change in education as it is today, to have more deversity and open approach. We see change in people as they become more open to unknown, as they leave old view of sticking with something they learned 20 years ago.

Our Services

Experts In Every Subject

We bring strategies and education to level of understanding self and its capabilities. We open the door to change and let you have the driving.

Individual Subjects

Group Set

Study Skills



Gathering information about the world can be as easy as playing the game. We must learn to filter those that are important.


Growing with knowledge makes you important part of scosiety and creates opportunity to have a job position that you want to do.


Only by making enough knowledge that you can form a true wisdom about a subject  and make huge impact on the people.

Find Your Way into the World of Genius. Become What You Always Wanted. Create a Path for Yourself.




Learn From The Comfort of Home!

Online Tutoring

You will not be sitting in a chair and listen to a boring videos. You will learn the principles and make action toward making Yourslef a true Genius.

News & Resources

New Organization life cycles

New Organization life cycles

The organization's life cycle is crucial to understand for any business leader, startup, and owner. Organization life cycle in history Chasing and destroying wealth is the history of countries, civilizations, and corporations. If wealth could be maintained...

Registracija za Igre Kameleona

Registracija za Igre Kameleona

"Rana Prijava za Našu TV Emisiju: Tvoja Prilika da Sijaš" Da li si zaljubljenik u avanture, sportski fanatik, kviz virtuoz ili majstor u gejmingu? Imaš strast prema zabavi koja je iznad svih očekivanja? Ako jeste, imamo uzbudljive vesti za Vas! Naša nadolazeća TV...

Šta je psihološka sigurnost?

Šta je psihološka sigurnost?

Sposobnost interakcije sa drugima bez straha od negativnih posledica naziva se psihološka sigurnost. Drugim rečima, biti svoj nije skupo socijalno, emocionalno, politički ili monetarno. Psihološka sigurnost vam posebno omogućava da osetite: UključeniUčenje je bez...

Budućnost HR-a

Budućnost HR-a

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People are all one of a kind

People are all one of a kind

All of us had a childhood fantasy job: astronaut, cowgirl, or particle scientist; ski instructor or firefighter; baseball player or firefighter; etc. As we get older, our experiences tend to restrict us from imagining things that are out of the ordinary. While this...

Let’s Learn Together!

Join Us on this exciting new journey many actors, politicians, doctors, business owners and many more are starting to learn.

(+381) 60-544-85-14
